The Committees of the Space Renaissance Academy develop their works in the frame of 3 Laboratories:
The Committees have the following scopes:
  • to develop a deep knowledge and project consistency, on the themes emerged from the SRI 3rd World Congress (see the Congress Final Resolution)
  • to actively participate in the discussion of their specific topics from a multidisciplinary point of view
  • to invite other researchers, artists, philosophers, space enthusiasts to contribute and exchange ideas, proposals, suggestions for the development of the knowledge on the subjects investigated by the committees
  • to forward proposals more oriented to the benefit of humankind and civilization
  • relating to UN SPACE 2030 Agenda Items: how Civilian Space Development can contribute to the general sustainability of the 17 SDGs
  • to offer to our friends and colleagues a room where experiencing our methodology and working together, helping them to decide to join our crew as members!

Click on each Committee label to see a short description and links to methodology and documents

The Space Law Committee

Chair:  Dennis O’Brien

The objective of the SRI Space Law Committee is to provide an understanding of existing space laws and principles in order to facilitate beyond Earth endeavors by civil society. Its objective is also to assist in the further development of space policy through legal research and discussion at the intergovernmental, non-governmental, academic and commercial levels so as to help ensure that space law continues to be a relevant part of international law.

The Space Habitats Committee

Chair: Jerry Stone, co-Chair: Werner Grandl

The Space Habitats Committee is set to investigate and study the infrastructures to be built in the Outer Space, with particular attention to allow civilians to live and work both on the surface of celestial bodies and inside orbital settlements. Simulated gravity, ergonomics, protection from cosmic radiations are included as well among the work themes of this committee.

The Near Future Narrative Committee

Chair: Dominik Irtenkauf

The Near Future Narrative Committee has the objective to stimulate writers and movie director to draw a mature non dystopian science fiction, looking at near future, imagining civilian life in the geo-lunar region and beyond, to Mars and Asteroid Belt. telling stories of normal people.

The Living in Space Committee

Chair: Dr. Susan Jewell, co-Chair: Dr. Celia Avila-Rauch

The Living in Space Committee addresses the issues related to civilian life in space, from multidisciplinary and humanist points of view. E.g. protection of life and health from cosmic radiations, space medicine, psychology, food production in space, green environments and waters in space habitats.

The 18° SDG Committee

Chair: Adriano V. Autino

The 18° SDG Committee is set to demonstrate that the 17 UN 2030 Agenda SDGs are not sustainable if limited within the boundaries of the atmosphere of Planet Earth. Concurrently, the committee will develop the concept of a proposed 18° SDG: the bootstrap of Civilian Space Development, before 2030, and how such a goal will contribute to each of the 17 SDGs.

The Space Transportation, Mining, Industry Committee

Chair: Werner Grandl

The Space Transportation, Mining, Industry Committee includes the study and further promotion of the key items of the geo-lunar space region industrialization: 100% reusable, low cost, safe and ergonomic space launch systems, production of fuel in space, moon and asteroids mining, reused of orbital debris, orbital industrial development.

The Target Young Generations Committee

Chair: Prof. Bernard Foing, co-Chair: Ghanim Alotaibi

The Target Youg Generations Committee is set to involve students, young researchers and professionals, engaging the young generations in the development of the space renaissance, stimulating them to work on the key research strains and commercial endeavours mentioned in the 3° SRI World Congress.

The Space Philosophy Committee

Chair: Dr. Marie-Luise Heuser, co-Chair: Dr. Michael Schumann

The Space Philosophy Committee is set to investigate the space philosophy, from ancient forerunners, to the historic Renaissance, to nowadays.From there to go ahead, to build the main concepts of a modern space philosophy.

The Space Debris & Near Earth Objects Committee

Chair: Werner Grandl

The Space Debris & Near Earth Objects Committee will deepen the knowledge and boost research and solutions about claiming the Earth orbit from man-made debris, and protecting Earth from possible killer asteroids. Concurrently, the study will encompass the development of science, technology and policy needed to reuse the orbital debris and the near Earth objects resources for the geo-lunar space civilian development.

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The general calendar of the Committees meetings (2023/2024)

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