


Developed by Space Renaissance Academy. A conceptual study for an orbiting infrastructure to be located at a Moon Lagrange point. The envisaged infrastructure, designed to include both habitation and industrial settlement, will be carved inside a Near Earth Asteroid to be captured and moved to such destination in the cislunar space region. Such a solution will solve both the main threats to civilian life in outer space: artificial gravity by rotation and protection against cosmic radiations, being the living volumes obtained inside the body of the asteroid, thus opposing many meters of rock to incoming radiations and micrometeorites. The study documentation was so far developed up to a Conceptual Abstract and a Requirements Document.

Asteropolis Conceptual Abstract

Asteropolis Requirements Document

Low Cost Access to Orbit

Developed by Space Renaissance USA, Inc. Originally conceived to participate to the 100&Change grant, the project was later redefined as a proposal to investors and/or sponsors. The strategic plan aims to join investment energies to develop technologies and methodologies for low cost access to orbit, for civilian passengers and cargo.

Low Cost Access to Orbit Promo

Low Cost Access to Orbit Draft 1

NERV (NewSpace - Education - Research - Virtual Worlds)

Developed by Space Renaissance Academy. The scope of the project is to develop 3d rendered modules and tools for education and research, to help students and researchers to be immersed in a 3d full simulation of outer space environment.



Developed by Space Renaissance Academy. A comparative study of the different ongoing projects on suborbital and orbital spaceplanes. The aim is to offer a complete scenario to potential investors, helping them to identify the most promising enterprises, where to channel their investments.


Orbital Workshops

Developed by Space Renaissance Academy. An overview and raw ROI calculation of the industrial ventures which can be started in orbit in the present, such as, e.g.: space wreckages recovery, space debris collection and reuse, in orbit satellites assembling, near Earth asteroid mining, orbital fuel stations, orbital yards for spacecrafts assembly.


Future of civilization in 200 years

Developed by Space Renaissance Academy. We already realized seven conversations with futurists and space philosophers, videorecorded and available for watching on the SR Academy website, in the K. Tsiolkowsky Room. The conversations were developed taking the James Corey’s books of the series “The Expanse” as a cultural provocation, around one basic question: “will it be possible, in 200 years, to notice some social benefits, being civilization expanded into outer space?”

7 Conversations online

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