The 18° SDG Committee
Chair: Adriano V. Autino

The 18° SDG Committee is set to demonstrate that the 17 UN 2030 Agenda SDGs are not sustainable if limited within the boundaries of the atmosphere of Planet Earth. Concurrently, the committee will develop the concept of a proposed 18° SDG: the bootstrap of Civilian Space Development, before 2030, and how such a goal will contribute to each of the 17 SDGs.
Methodology and some papers
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item | author | date | link |
SR Academy 18 SDG Methodology | Adriano V. Autino | November 2022 |  |
The contribute of Civilian Space Development to sustainable development on Earth and in outer space. The private space development and economic growth. | Adriano V. Autino | November 2022 |  |
A SRI summary agenda for UNGA78 | Adriano V. Autino, Marlène Losier, Kim Degnan | November 2022 |  |
WP DataTables
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item | author | date | link |
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations (“UN”) Member States in 2015, include the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). | United Nations | 2015 |  |
55/2. United Nations Millennium Declaration | United Nations General Assembly | September 18 2000 |  |
Declaration on the Right to Development | United Nations General Assembly | December 4 1986 |  |
Charter of the United Nations Chapter X - The Economic and Social Council | United Nations | December 10 1948 |  |
WP DataTables
Join this committee: write to the Chair adriano.autino(at)